Year 6
Darwin Class
Boleyn Class
Hello and a very warm welcome to our class page for Y6!
Shark class and Stingray class are both taught by members of the year six team: Mrs Noble, Miss Moxon, Mr Brian and Mrs Backhouse who are all excited about the year ahead!
I’m sure you will agree that it doesn’t seem two minutes since the children were starting in reception and here they are embarking on their final year at primary school. Year 6 is such a pivotal year and we will be working hard to ensure that your child will have a wonderful end to their primary school career. We aim to create a welcoming, enticing environment that will allow all children to develop independence, resilience and knowledge through a rich, varied and challenging curriculum in order to equip them with all of the tools they need for their next step of their educational journey.
We know that year 6 is a major milestone for parents and pupils alike and we are here to help to ensure that each child can reach their potential and be the very best they can be.
We regularly post information via Class Dojo and are available to contact through this platform if needed.
We look forward to seeing what this fantastic year will bring!
The Y6 team.
Home Learning
Please support your child at home by encouraging them to complete the following activities:
- Homework and weekly spellings are issued on a Friday and should be returned by the following Friday. Any issues regarding Google Classroom, or if a paper copy is required, please contact us.
- It is expected that children in Y6 should be reading their school reading book or a reading for pleasure book on a regular basis and all reading records will now be kept online on the BoomReader App. Those children who have read 5 times during the week are entered into a weekly prize draw to win a book from the school vending machine.
- Each child has a Times Table Rock Stars login which they can access both in school and at home which is recommended to improve their fluency of multiplication and division fact recall.
(Friday Extra Play is given to those children who have completed their homework and read a minimum of 3 times during the week)
Things to remember:
- PE Kit should be worn to school on a Friday and must be appropriate for physical activity with suitable footwear.